WICS statutory duties and corporate reporting
We have a corporate plan in place that is agreed by the Scottish Ministers. The plan reflects our strategic aims and objectives, indicative budgets and any priorities for us.
As part of our governance, and in line with our statutory duties, we submit an annual report to the Scottish Ministers. This explains the work we have done in the period and how we have delivered against the corporate plan commitments.
We publish a number of additional reports on a regular basis that explain our progress in particular areas, such as mainstreaming equality and biodiversity. We set out to make sure that this information is both easy to access and to understand.
As part of our commitment to be an open, transparent organisation, we disclose the names and salary details of our senior leadership team (equivalent to senior civil service grade 2 and above).
Transparency in our board and through our governance arrangements
We are an executive non-departmental public body. We were established under the Water Industry (Scotland) Act 2002, as amended by the Water Services etc. (Scotland) Act 2005.
The role of the board is to provide leadership, direction, support and guidance. The board ensures that we deliver our functions effectively, efficiently and in accordance with the aims, policies and priorities of the Scottish Ministers.
We adhere to the code of practice for ministerial public appointments in Scotland. Our board usually consists of not fewer than three, nor more than five ordinary members appointed by the Scottish Ministers. This number includes the Chair and the Chief Executive.
Our board is chaired by Professor Donald MacRae. There are four non-executive members (Ann Allen, Morag Sheppard, Robin McGill and Ronnie Hinds). David Satti, our Interim CEO, is also a member of the Board.
We publish our governance framework and all minutes of our board meetings on our website.
WICS Audit and Risk Committee
Our Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) provides assurance to the Board on risk, finance and governance. It does so through a process of audit and constructive challenge.
The ARC is chaired by a Member of the Board and the Chairman of the ARC is appointed by our Board. The Chair of the ARC appoints the members of the Committee.
The ARC is responsible for advising on:
- the strategic processes for risk, control and governance;
- the planned activity and results of both internal and external audit;
- the adequacy of management response to issues identified by audit activity;
- the effectiveness of the internal control environment.

WICS is a prescribed body under the Public Interest Disclosure Act for whistle blowing matters relating to the water and sewerage industry in Scotland.
We demonstrate transparency by ensuring we maintain clear and efficient policies and procedures which assist us in our corporate reporting duties.
We have an internal whistleblowing policy included in our employee handbook which aims to encourage and enable employees to raise concerns on a confidential basis. In addition to this, we have an external whistleblowing policy which assists contractors and the general public should they need to raise concerns about the water industry in Scotland.
On an annual basis, we report to the Government's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy. This reporting informs them of how many cases of whistleblowing have been brought to our attention each year.
Ensuring transparency and enabling access to information
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 gives the public a general right of access to the information we hold. Any person who makes a request to us for information is entitled to receive that information, subject to certain exemptions as outlined in the 2002 Act.
How WICS protects your data
We are committed to respecting your privacy when handling and using your personal information.
The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) regulates the way in which we process personal information. This covers anything that we do with personal information, from collection and creation to destruction.
The UK GDPR gives you many rights in relation to your personal information. Details of how we hold and use your personal information and your rights are set out in our transparency statements and privacy policy.