Using our information
If you cannot find the information you are looking for on our website, you can ask us for it under freedom of information (FOI) legislation.
When information is released under FOI legislation, it is disclosed to the public at large. So, before you make an FOI request, you can check our disclosure log to see whether it has already been disclosed in response to a previous request. If not, we will provide the information you have asked for, unless we do not hold it, or an exemption applies.
You do not need to explain why you want the information, although doing so could help us to better respond to your request.
How to use WICS’s disclosure log
It is good practice for Scottish public authorities to consider what information may be of interest to the public and should therefore be published. This includes information disclosed in response to an information request, which could be published via an online disclosure log.
As part of our commitment to being open and transparent, we aim to publish all requests for information and our responses. Everything published on our disclosure log will be dealt with in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

How to make a freedom of information request to WICS
We must respond to your request within 20 working days. If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask us to review it.
We have set out below some things to keep in mind when making your request:
- Keep your request separate from any correspondence that deals with other issues. This will help us identify your request and respond quickly, separately from any other issues.
- Keep your request polite, as we can refuse to comply with requests that contain inappropriate or abusive language.
- Only ask us for information that we hold. If you ask us for an opinion on a matter on which we have not previously expressed an opinion, your request may be refused.
- If you are experiencing any difficulties in preparing your request, do ask us for advice and assistance.
- Be as specific as you can (including dates, if possible) when describing the information you are looking for. Wide-ranging and vague requests could delay our response to your request or your request may be refused on cost grounds.
- To ensure that your request is directed to the right person quickly, you should submit your request to
- Provide a telephone number in case we need to contact you about your request.
How to use WICS’s guide to information and publication scheme
In addition to responding to requests for information, we must also publish information proactively. As a public authority we are required by the Freedom of Information Act to have a publication scheme. The scheme should be approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO); we must also publish the information that is covered by the scheme.
The scheme sets out our commitment to make certain classes of information available on a routine basis. This includes policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, annual reports and financial information.
The information we release in accordance with the publication scheme represents the minimum we must disclose. If you are looking for something that is not listed in the scheme, please ask us to help.
The Scottish Information Commissioner is responsible for enforcing and promoting freedom of information (FOI) law in Scotland.