Feedback updated 12 December 2024
We asked
We asked for your views on whether the business plan guidance and data tables meet their requirements or whether there are other areas where we should ask Scottish Water for additional information. The consultation opened on 8 October 2024 and closed on 5 November 2024.
You said
Scottish Water commented on each table, including:
- providing feedback on the output measures (Table 2);
- suggesting amendments to the tables to show the linkage between maintenance investment and asset health (Tables 3 and 4);
- suggesting that further visibility is provided on transformation initiatives through alternative means rather than through a separate table (Table 6); and
- continuing to work together to agree a shared dataset for the econometric modelling, with those datasets forming the basis of the benchmarking data tables to be submitted as part of the draft and final business plans (Tables 9 and 10)
Other stakeholders identified some gaps in the proposed outcome measures.
We did
We have made the following changes in response to Scottish Water’s feedback:
- amendments to some of the output measures in Table 2;
- adopting Scottish Water’s proposals to show the linkage between maintenance investment and asset health in Table 3.
- removing Table 10 from the guidance on the basis that we have agreed a dataset for the econometric models that focus on operating and maintenance expenditure.
In our confirmed business plan guidance and data tables, we have included placeholders for outcome measures that we expect Scottish Water to develop further through engagement with stakeholders, covering:
- benefits to customers and communities, as a refinement or complement to the customer experience measures;
- the impact of Scottish Water’s partnerships with customers, communities and other stakeholders (e.g. demand side initiatives such as information campaigns);
- environmental performance; and
- sewerage infrastructure discharges.
We expect Scottish Water to develop these measures and set out its proposed list of outcome measures as part of its business plan submission.
Original consultation closed 5 November 2024
The Water Industry Commission for Scotland (WICS) is the economic regulator of the Scottish water industry. Our role involves setting caps on the charges that Scottish Water raises from its customers.
Our draft methodology, published on 14 August, set out that we were developing business plan guidance and data templates for Scottish Water to use in preparing its business plan. Business plan guidance and data templates play an important role in ensuring we have the information we need to set charge caps and a baseline for what Scottish Water plans to deliver for the regulatory period 2027-33.
Since June, we have engaged with Scottish Water to develop the business plan guidance and data templates. The current draft of the business plan guidance and data templates covers ten tables:
- Outcomes
- Enhancement and growth outputs
- Maintenance expenditure
- Mains and sewers condition
- SRC27 projects and programmes
- Transformation initiatives
- Other costs and assumptions
- Summary costs
- Enhancement and growth benchmarking
- Base benchmarking
Participating in the consultation
We welcome responses to our proposals from across the water sector.
We continue to engage with Scottish Water on tables 1 to 5 and aim to conclude this engagement by 22nd October so that Scottish Water can respond to this consultation by 5th November. Following this engagement until 22nd October, if Scottish Water considers that it is unable to provide the information requested, we ask Scottish Water to explain why and propose an alternative data point (including a corresponding definition) that will meet our requirements.
We also wish to understand stakeholders' views on the draft guidance and data tables. We want to hear their views on whether the business plan guidance and data tables meet their requirements or whether there are other areas where we should ask Scottish Water for additional information. We expect stakeholder views to mainly focus on tables 1 (outcomes) and 2 (enhancement and growth outputs) but also welcome comments on other tables.
Read the full consultation documentation at the following links:
Draft business plan guidance and definitions
If you require the consultation document in an alternative format, please contact us.