FOI - WICS working arrangements

Published Last Updated

Ref No.: 14 22

Request Type: FOI

Date Received: 29/04/22

Date Responded: 29/04/22

Category:  WICS working arrangements


  • How many staff are employed by your organisation please?
  • How many work in the office full-time?
  • How many work at home full-time?
  • How many have a hybrid arrangement of work in the office and at home?
  • Of the hybrid workers how many spend more than 50 per cent of their time working at home?


How many staff employed by organisation? 28
How many work in the office full time? 0
How many work at home full time? 28
How many have hybrid arrangement of work in the office and at home? 0
Of the hybrid workers how many spend more than 50% of their time working at home N/A
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