FOI - Human rights due diligence checks


Ref No.: 21 22

Request Type: FOI

Date Received: 27/07/22

Date Responded: 01/08/22

Category:  Human rights due diligence checks


Please give me a list of human rights due diligence checks your organisation has conducted since the publication of the Scottish Government document, Guidance on due diligence: human rights, detailing in each case whether or not you proceeded with an investment relationship or business agreement following the undertaking of these checks. Please also detail any instances of non-compliance with the guidance that have been reported. If unable to provide such a list, please confirm for me whether your organisation was previously aware of or has ever given consideration to this guidance, including whether you are aware of having been notified of it by a representative of the Scottish Government or other public body.

Please also tell me how many investment relationships or agreements your organisation has engaged in since June 2018. This request relates to the types of relationship outlined in the aforementioned guidance as meriting a due diligence check: “any activity which could lead to an investment relationship or agreement with a third party” (source: Guidance on due diligence: human rights - (


WICS does not hold information on human rights due diligence checks conducted since the publication of the Scottish Government document, Guidance on due diligence: human rights. Our delegated powers under our financial memorandum and management framework do not permit WICS to engage in investment activities of this type. As such, we do not hold the information requested. Section 17 of FOISA states that where public authorities receive requests for information that they do not hold, they must issue a notice advising that they do not hold the requested information.

We don’t believe we were aware of such guidance, however we are not in a position to confirm with certainty given that we have an automated email retention policy in place.

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