Ref No.: 15 22
Request Type: FOI
Date Received: 04/05/22
Date Responded: 06/05//22
Category: Benchmarking statistics relating to turnover and absence
I am looking for some benchmarking information for 21/22 for the following:
Absence – short, medium and long term
We disclose the following information to you in response to your request:
- Although our turnover data for the 2021-22 period is not yet available, I’m able to confirm that it is in line with what was outlined in our Corporate plan which you can find on our website here: Corporate plan 2021-27 | WICS
- We do not hold absence statistics as such, but we do record sickness in our annual report. Again, this is not available for the 2021-22 period, but you can refer to previous years reports on our website here: Annual report 2020-21 | WICS