EIR - Scottish Water investment


Ref No.: 22 22

Request Type: EIR

Date Received: 15/08/22

Date Responded: 07/09/22

Category:  Scottish Water investment


My request relates to this page of your website: https://wics.scot/what-we-do/our-role-scottish-water-industry

Which includes this remark:

”The traditional regulatory model has delivered significant benefits to customers since Scottish Water was created in 2002. It ensured the improvements in service levels, investment and efficiency necessary for Scottish Water to compare comfortably with privatised companies in England.”

What I would like to see is any analysis conducted by WICS which compares investment levels by Scottish Water to the investments by privatised companies in England.


We disclosed the spreadsheet with the analysis which was undertaken in May 2020, to inform the statement on the webpage that you reference. 

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