FOI - Deputy Chief Executive travel

Published Last Updated

Ref No.: 09 20

Request Type: FOI

Date Received: 16/06/2020

Date Responded: 13/07/2020

Category: Travel


The information I require is as follows:

  1. The number of visits abroad that Ian Tait has taken in his role as Director of the Water Industry Commission.
  2. The number of domestic visits out with Scotland that Ian Tait has taken in his role as Director of the Water Industry Commission.
  3. What the mode of travel was for each of the above visits.
  4. What the travel and accommodation costs were for each of the above visits.

What the purpose of travel was for each of the above visits.


Note: There may be other travel or accommodation pre 01 October 2018 but we do not have access to this information. 

Type of trip
Mode of travel
Travel cost
Accommodation cost
Oct 16 International Air £847.08 - Training course at Tuck university
No 19 International Air £254.73 - OECD NER meeting in Paris
Jun 19 International Air - £599.07 OECD peer review mission in Ireland
Jan 20 Domestic Rail £124.14 - Meeting in London with Oxera


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