FOI - Data

Published Last Updated

Ref No.: 06 21

Request Type: FOI

Date Received: 15/06/21

Date Responded: 15/06/21

Category: Data


The published on your website Financial model for the Final determination (Price Setting 2021-27 -> Financial model) contains a large number of errors in the Excel formulas, which do not allow me to see the distribution of expenditure and investment by year. 

I would really appreciate if you could provide me with the correct format of the document or advise me where else I can find this information. I would like to request that under the Freedom of Information Act.


We have handled your request in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).  FOISA provides for a right of access to recorded information held by Scottish public authorities.


I am able to confirm that although this document appears on our website, it does require specialist software to enable a user to view it in its entirety. Please find a PDF version of the model here, which I hope you will find helpful.

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