This gives notice that Everflow Limited made an application to us for consent to transfer water and sewerage licences currently held by Lettermay Limited t/a Pinnacle Business Water.
Application for Water Services and Sewerage Services Licences
by Everflow Limited
Notice of proposed consent to transfer and include a new ordinary condition in licences 2nd November 2022
The Water Industry Commission for Scotland ("the Commission") hereby gives notice that on 08 September 2022 Everflow Limited of Unit 4, Suite 2, Wynyard Avenue, Wynyard, Billingham, TS22 5TB, made an application for consent to transfer a water services and sewerage services licences currently held by Lettermay Limited t/a Pinnacle Business Water in terms of section 6 of the Water Services etc. (Scotland) Act 2005.
The Commission proposes to grant this application and transfer to Everflow Limited the water services and sewerage services licences referred to above. The Commission also proposes to modify the conditions of the water services and sewerage services licences to the extent of inclusion of a new ordinary condition in the attached form. The Commission proposes to waive the requirements of the CMA training process by waiving the elements of the market training process relating to the training sessions. Everflow Limited is still required to self-certify its readiness to participate in the market.
In accordance with its published guidance to applicants, the Commission wishes to consult with stakeholders on its proposal. Accordingly, we are publishing today the following documents for consultation:
- the relevant water services licence;
- the relevant sewerage services licence
which include the proposed new ordinary condition. The Commission proposes to include this new condition in order to ensure its continuing ability to take regulatory action where considered necessary in order to protect the interests of customers.
Any person who wishes to make representations on the application should send their representations, in writing by e-mail to no later than 16th November 2022.
Further information on how to make representations, including information on the treatment of confidential information, can be obtained from the Commission at the above address or at or by telephoning 01786 430200.
Should there be no representations made or any representations made do give rise to any concern or require further investigation then the Commission anticipates that the licence transfer would take effect on or after 23rd November 2022.
Done on 2nd November 2022
For and on behalf of the Water Industry Commission for Scotland
Alan DA Sutherland, Chief Executive